Can SRT+™ Attenuate Acute Mobile Phone-Related Changes To Neural (Brain) Function?

Rodney Croft, PhD, et al Can the Q-Link Ally, a form of Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT+™) Attenuate Acute Mobile Phone-Related Changes to Neural
Function? Published in the The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol 8 No 4, pp. 427-435. October 1, 2002


24 subjects, 16 male and 8 female, participated in a single-blind, fully counterbalanced crossover design in which subjects’ resting EEG and phase-locked neural responses to
auditory stimuli were assessed under conditions of either an active SRT+™ or inactive sham device. Three readings were taken: 1) base line sitting with no cell phone, 2) sitting with a cell phone switched on behind the person’s head without them knowing it was turned
on, and, 3) the cell phone on plus the SRT+™ device turned on at the same time.


Results were consistent in all subjects, the resting EEG in the gamma range, delta and alpha range changed from a stressed condition to a “restful-alert” condition.

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