Effects of A Passive Online Software Application On Heart Rate Variability And Autonomic Nervous System Balance.

Prof Beverly Rubik, Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, CA; Energy Medicine University, Sausalito, CA; College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, Saybrook University, Oakland, CA. August 1, 2016.

Effects of A Passive Online Software Application On Heart Rate Variability And Autonomic Nervous System Balance. Double Blind Test.
Published in The Peer Reviewed Journal for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine (JACM), January 2017.

A randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled clinical trial (RCT).Twenty (20) healthy, nonsmoking subjects, 16 females and 4 males, 40 - 75 years old. Using Quantum Code Technology [SRT+] that was delivered through a mobile app known as Heart +, on a smartphone placed < 1 m from subjects who were seated and reading a catalog. Heart rate variability was measured for 5 minutes in triplicate for each condition using an FDA medically-approved heart rate variability measurement device.


A significant reduction of 30.2% in mean LF/HF along with possible trends in mean LF decreasing by 7.3% and mean RMSSD increasing by 7.1% were observed for
healthy adult subjects with the Heart+ App, working in the background on an active smartphone untouched by the subjects. Therefore, it appears that SRT+™ broadcast over a short distance can be bioactive and beneficially impact ANS regulation, reducing sympathetic dominance, the “fight or flight” response. Such effects of a passive digital technology may help regulate homeodynamics, increasing one’s ability to cope with stress, and improving overall well-being, completely effortlessly, which may enhance wellness and performance.

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