SRT+™ Seed Germination And Sprout Growth: A Comparison Of SRT+™ Treated Water And Control Water.

Prof Beverly Rubik, Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, CA; Energy Medicine University, Sausalito, CA; College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, Saybrook University, Oakland, CA. September 23, 2007.


Two sets of two commercial brands of water were purchased from Safeway grocery store in Berkeley California. Temperature remained constant. Sprout seeds from the same
source were planted in two separate places. One was watered with one of the brands of water from Safeway, the other was from the same brand but processed with SRT+™ prior to planting.


The wet sprout seed yield by weight increased by 7% and the dry sprout yield by weight increased by 4%. Professor Rubik stated this study suggest that may mean that “the number of water molecules per micro-cluster is different in the SRT+™ water.…then the biomolecules within the sprout cells may experience changes in their states of hydration, and their molecular conformations slightly different, and therefore, enzyme activities altered.” The implications for plant and human health are significant.

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