Light Emission Effects (Gas Discharge Visualization) Of SRT+™ On Eternal Water® And Evian® Water.

Prof Beverly Rubik, Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, CA; Energy Medicine University, Sausalito, CA; College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, Saybrook University, Oakland, CA. March 21, 2016.
Two sets of two commercial brands of water were purchased from Safeway grocery store in Berkeley California.

Temperature remained within 5 degrees throughout the course of the study. Two “coaster” type plates were used, one glass, and one glass with SRT+™ were used to sit a glass of water on for 5, 10, and 20 mins for each test. A glass beaker containing 100 ml of each water was placed directly on top of a passive either the standard glass plate or the glass plate with SRT+™. Tests were conducted using the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Camera Pro.


In each case for the SRT+™ water, the entropy of the water was decreased and more light was emitted by more than 30%. Prof Rubik stated that according to conventional science, it is impossible to add photons to an already existing material (including water) without the addition of electric current and/or artificial or real light sources, including the Sun.

The fact that SRT+™ essentially, added photons to pre-existing water, indicates a breakthrough in science. More light (photons) in water, means more life-force and vitality for humans, animals, and plants.

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